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Archives for February 2016

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Are We "in Love" with God?

Blog Featured Pic - In Love

When we're "in love," our love for that person is all-consuming and obvious. What would it look like if our love for God were like that too?...

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Minds Made for Musical Worship

Musical Worship

Music is designed not only to shine from our hearts, but also to imprint itself on and shape our hearts....

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Attendance on Sunday morning should be a top priority of any covenant member. Being a regular part of such a gathering should be a priority for every Christian, but it shouldn't stop there....

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What kind of a safe place should we create in college ministry?


Ministry to college students should not be safe; it should not be a separate place for the conservative, churched young adult to be shielded from the world. Radical idea? It should be safe in the sense that no one should feel physically threatened. It should dangerously say that Jesus came to seek and to save the hickish, snobby, spoiled, broken, hidden, polished, silly, b...

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We've been repurposed by the One who created us. We still enjoy life and family. We still work and play. But now we do everything with an overarching purpose that is as old as creation itself...reflecting the image of God to the world as we make disciples of Jesus....

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