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Update from Tommy and Lorne

unnamed (16)
Maryhill Evangelical Church
Hello from Maryhill!
Like you, no doubt, there is not a massive amount that has happened at our church building during the Covid lockdown. However, during this time we have maintained our relationships, built new ones and continued to point our community to Jesus.
Let us tell you more......
During the lockdown, Brian decided to volunteer with the food bank at Ruchill Parish Church while it's existing staff were furloughed.  This gave Brian a brilliant opportunity to meet new people and share Jesus.  Following these new friendships, Brian has started an evangelistic bible study via zoom, with Lorne adding her tuppence worth! This happens every Tuesday lunchtime and as restrictions ease the study will continue in the church over a piece (aka lunch).  This time has been so encouraging and although it's only been going around 5 weeks, we already see signs of growth and fruit. Please pray for others who we know would benefit from this but might not have the confidence to join in yet.
Praise to The Lord in abundance is required for this answer to all of our prayers!
Our offer was rejected back in February and then at the start of March, we were told by the agent that the property was available again! The solicitor told us not to expect the exchange until the end of June though because of the pandemic. We didn't mind too much because we were satisfied just knowing that we had a house. However, one day as we looked for things to occupy us in our lockdown state, we prayed "Lord, if there's any way you can make this happen sooner, please do." That same day the solicitor called to say we could conclude, and it's been fun and games ever since. God has been so good - the house has needed a lot more renovation than we expected and so this time has allowed us to make a start. And the best bit is that we have new neighbors to talk to! They are really nice people, and one lady next door is a Humanist Celebrant....bring.it.on!! In addition to making new friendships here and letting the folk know we are from the church, we have also been able to use the garden to have some of our church buddies round. Even though these are not ideal conditions, these are the foundations for our ministry house and it gives us a real insight into how much more valuable the bricks and mortar will be once we are able to live in it and have people come inside. We are excited!! And if any of you are interested in seeing the house progress you can follow us on Instagram @painted_pretty_scheme_house
Our house and the view.
How many people do you think must live in this square alone? 4 high flats plus the houses. Roughly 10,000 people live in Maryhill. The view from our window alone barely scratches the surface! Pray for Maryhill and please pray for Christians to come and join us in the mission.
Your church meetings probably look like this too only bigger. Well, we've been so encouraged that on several occasions we've had to swipe left to be able to see all who had joined the bible study or the Sunday night meeting. Again, so much encouragement despite not doing church in the usual way. As a wee 20Schemes team that is helping to revitalize the church, we have really enjoyed meeting more frequently with our brothers & sisters in this way. And actually, using the cheap skate's version of zoom was helpful because 40 minutes was never long enough and we had to create more meetings! This week, however, we are planning our opening for next Sunday and we can't wait to be reunited with the saints. Please pray that we would have wisdom in going forward and that the seeds which have been sewn through lockdown would bear fruit and thus add to our numbers.