For many, the idea of a “church” is an outdated, irrelevant or judgmental organization that refuses to interact with those who do not share their standards and beliefs. At Welsh Baptist Church, we have a passion for this group of people and are committed to making the church both a community that worships God, and that takes the message of his grace to all people. We are a church of doubters, seekers, and followers who are learning to follow and worship Jesus Christ. All are welcome with no prerequisite of church background or prior belief. Bring your faith and your doubt, your joy and your tears, your praise and your selfishness. As a church, we want to emulate Jesus’ call in Matthew 11:28 for all to come to him.

Turning up to a church service for the first time can be a little bit daunting. Even if you're a seasoned church attender, a new church with new people can quickly have you outside your comfort zone. The following is some information you might find useful for your first visit.


Our Sunday morning worship gathering begins at 10:30am and directions to our gathering can be found here.


We provide a caring, safe nursery for little ones 0-24 months, and enriching kids' classes for children 2 years to 5th grade. For more information about our Children’s Ministries, click here. Our students (6th-12th grades) participate in our Sunday morning service, but also have their own group meetings on Sunday nights at 6PM. For more information about our Student Ministry click here.


There will be a time at the beginning of our gathering where we will make some announcements and ask for prayer requests. No one is obligated to make such requests but if you should have a prayer request, we would love for you to share it with us. We would be honored to pray for you and your loved ones. If you’d like for us to pray for you, but you don’t want to make your request known during this portion of our time together, please feel free to talk with one of our pastors following the service and/or fill out a prayer request card that you can find in the back of our pews and place it in the offering plate as it passes in front of you.


We take an offering each Sunday where our members and regular attenders will give a tithe of their income to support our efforts to fulfill God’s mission in our community and around the world. We do this as an offering to God, thanking Him for what He has blessed us with in our lives. As our guest, please do not feel obligated to contribute anything financially. All we’d like from you is your contact information so we can contact you and let you know how happy we are to have you with us this week. You can give us your contact information on a card in the back of each pew and drop the card in the offering plate as it passes in front of you.


Our music is a mix of songs, both old and new played by a full band with a more modern style. Some songs you might recognize. Others may be less familiar. Hopefully, you'll get a glimpse of God and the gospel of His grace in all of them.


Every week someone will stand before us and preach the Word of God. This is the center of our Sunday morning worship gathering. This is where we are inspired and transformed by God’s self-revelation (the Bible) as it is proclaimed to us through the lens of the gospel or good news about Jesus. This portion of our gathering usually lasts about 45 minutes.

On the first Sunday of each month we will also be celebrating the Lord’s Supper. This is something we do that signifies our unity with Christ and we encourage all followers of Jesus to participate in this portion of our services with us, but don’t feel obligated.


Dress in whatever clothes you feel are appropriate. Most everyone dresses comfortably for our gatherings and so should you. There is no dress code. Just come.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at your convenience.