Thank you for your desire to support our church financially as we seek to make much of God and make disciples of Jesus!

To give to our faith family, click on the "GIVE" button below. A safe and secure giving platform through will appear and you can enter in your financial information which is secured with a 256 bit SSL encryption system. None of your financial information from your credit/debit card or banking institution is stored on our website or accessible by us. Please read the following before clicking the "GIVE" button below:

  1. Please note that we believe in stewardship at the highest level possible as followers of Jesus. Therefore, we suggest you choose the "BANK ACCOUNT" option at the bottom of the screen instead of using your credit card. 
  2. FEES: Nothing is free in this world except the GOSPEL of JESUS. It is therefore important for you to know that there is a cost associated with using this form of giving. VISA and MASTERCARD charge us 2.9% and $.30 per transaction (AMEX is 3.5% and $.30 per transaction). Using your BANK ACCOUNT lowers the rate to 1% and .$30 per transaction. For example, a tithe of $100 on your Visa card would result in the church actually receiving only $96.80. The same tithe from your checking account would result in the church actually receiving $98.70. 
  3. "COVER the FEES" Option: If you would like to cover the transaction fees for your tithe/offering/monetary gift, you can do so by clicking on the "GIVE" buttom below and then selecting the option next to the "heart" that says: "Cover card processing fees?" If you select this option, your intended tithe of $100 will be delivered to the church in full and you will pay an additional amount that covers all of the aforementioned transaction fees.