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Read About Our Beliefs and Practices

These are documents we have either developed for our faith family or that we have found helpful in equipping our faith family to become more like Jesus. We hope you'll take the time to read through them. Please let us know if you have any questions after reading them. We are here to walk with you as you seek to learn more about Jesus and follow Him. Click on the title of any of the following documents to download or read them.

Discipleship Group Guide  

Want to know more about our D-Groups and what they look like? Read the above document to discover more. 

All of Life Is Repentance by Dr. Timothy Keller

Dr. Keller does an excellent job here of explaining how repentance is probably the most defining characteristic of followers of Jesus.

Religion and the Gospel by Dr. Timothy Keller

Dr. Keller explains how religion can never save us, only the gospel of Jesus Christ can. 

What Is Salvation? by Geoff Ashley

Geoff's article (written for the Village Church in Dallas, TX) is a great treatise on what biblical salvation really is. 

What Is Sanctification? by Geoff Ashley

Geoff's article on biblical sanctification is a great read for everyone seeking to become more like Jesus. 

Biblical Exegesis by Dr. John Piper

This is a great help for people seeking to go deeper in their ability to understand and interpret Scripture. 

High Speed Bible Reading Plan by Prof. Horner

This Bible reading plan is one of the most challenging and rewarding Bible reading plans we've ever seen. If you tweaked this plan just a little, you could read through the entire Bible in about 5.5 months, or you can read it as instructed and experience the biblical themes and connections interweaving in ways you never have before. It's not really a yearly Bible reading plan. It's more of a lifetime Bible reading plan. For a better understanding, download the linked PDF and read this article by Bob Kauflin. 

One Year Bible Reading Plan - 5 Days a Week

This Bible reading plan is one of our favorites for several reasons. The Old Testament readings are laid out in a chronological pattern while you also read portions of the New Testament (not chronological) each day. It is also set up to be read 5 days a week so there are plenty of built-in catch-up days or days you can just use to read casually anywhere in the Scriptures you would like to read. This is a great plan for folks who have never read through the Bible in a year or who would just like to try something different.

Bible Reading Check-List 

This document can be useful when someone is wanting to track their yearly reading through the Bible. It is set up for each chapter of every book of the Bible to be checked off after it has been read. Some find it very helpful and encouraging to track their reading progress like this.

Missional Church by Dr. Timothy Keller

Dr. Keller's argument for missional churches is part of why we have changed to become the church we are today. 

Our Membership Covenant

This is the membership covenant we ask people to sign before they can become members. If you would like to know what you can expect from our faith family and leaders, or what we expect from our members, download this document and take some time to study it at your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact any of our pastors. 

Should Christians Tithe? by Geoff Ashley

Money is a sensitive topic for some people, but for Christians the stewardship of our finances is a tremendous—and often overlooked—area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously.

Our Denominational Affiliation

In order to accomplish the mission Jesus has given us to make disciples here and around the world, we have made several pertinent decisions regarding affiliation. This document explains our choices and our reasoning.