Clothing Closet
Free kids' clothes giveaway! Stop by Mountain City Church the first Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 PM to pick out free clothing for your child. Our inventory varies from month to month, depending on the donations we receive. Don't forget to share this fantastic opportunity with your friends.
Free kids' clothes giveaway! We have a large variety of gently used children's clothes sized from infant to high school. Come get what you need and bring a friend.
Can't make it?
We understand that sometimes life gets crazy and you cannot make it on our clothing closet nights. If there is an urgant need that cannot wait for the regularly scheduled Clothing Closet nights, please fill out this form. This is not trying to replace our first-Thursday-of-the-month but provide a special time if you were unable to make it on those nights.
Donations are accepted by calling 301-689-6332 or you can bring them the day of the event. Donations must be gently used children's clothes free from stains and tears.