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This past month, we were blessed to be helped by a mission team from Clayton Baptist Church in Clayton, GA. As the teams before them, these men generously gave their time to serve us as we continue the lengthy process of renovating our new building. They were also a tremendous encouragement to us during their time here!

Above, you can see a very special event pictured: a surprise birthday party we put on for Paul Behrens. Paul is one of our elders and has been volunteering his time 50-70 hours per week (!) for the past 6 months to serve in a general contractor role. Since his birthday fell on one of the days the mission team from Clayton was here, we decided to throw him a surprise party at the church building with the mission team and about a dozen of our folks. Paul is just one more example of the way the Lord has provided so abundantly for our every need. 

In addition, the Lord continues to bless our evangelistic efforts. Becky's Evangelistic Bible Study went extremely well. It lasted five weeks and was consistently attended by 8-9 non-Christians (not counting a few Christians Becky invited to assist her). One of these women has come to faith, and we are prayerfully considering how to continue our outreach to the others. Please pray for wisdom as we move forward with them. We are actively considering splitting the ladies into three groups and having three smaller studies in place of the one large study. This would enable more women to get involved as leaders. Our goal, in time, is to see evangelistic studies like this being done all over the place by the people of our church. 

Two specific individuals to be in prayer for are John and Samantha. John is the husband of Marlene (who came to faith through Becky's evangelistic study). We are not sure where John is in his walk with God at this point, but he has recently completed the Membership Information Class and has scheduled a membership interview with me for next week. I'm sensing a significant open door to talk with John about the gospel and ask for prayer that the Lord would work in his heart and give clarity to the both of us about his condition.

Also, Samantha is the Groups & Events Manager for the hotel we rent on Sundays. She attended Becky's study as well and seems to be very open to establishing a deeper friendship. She said she and her husband would be interested in going on some playdates with Becky and I (and our children). God really seems to be opening the door for this relationship, so please pray that God would work through us to draw Samantha and her husband to saving faith.

As always, thank you for your prayers! We have no doubt they are the true root and cause of all the encouraging events we are seeing.

Serving Him,
Josh & Becky Tancordo