Pastor Josh Tancordo Update
If there's one thing we've learned during our time in Pittsburgh, it's that God is faithful. The story both of our lives and of our fledgling church plant is one of the faithfulness and abundant goodness of God.
This past month has been no exception. In fact, it has been one of the most encouraging months we've had.
Above, you can see a picture of a Wednesday evening prayer meeting we held. We were joined by a mission team from Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church. It was a wonderful time of seeking God's face together. The team accomplished a tremendous amount of building renovation work in the week they were here.
In addition, earlier in the month, teams from Grace Life Church of the Shoals and Great Commission Church joined us and were able to accomplish an impressive amount of work as well. Because of these three teams, we are much closer to our goal of being ready to move our Sunday worship gatherings into the church building this summer. We simply cannot express how grateful we are to all who journeyed to Pittsburgh to help us!
Yet the building renovations are only the beginning of what God has been doing. This month, Becky started her women's evangelistic Bible study at our home. The study meets for five weeks and gives an overview of the Bible. By God's grace, we had nine non-Christian women join us the first week and eight join us the second week! This is in addition to a few Christians Becky invited to assist her. God is on the move!
Best of all, one of these women named Marlene actually professed faith in Christ just a few days ago and gives every evidence of being a new Christian! There are also several others in whom God seems to be working in a notable way.
Finally, we seem to have had a very welcome influx of new people into our Sunday gatherings and other meetings. We have now surpassed our pre-COVID attendance levels and have nine people participating in our four-week membership class.
Please continue to pray that God would bless our efforts for his glory and Kingdom. We'd especially appreciate prayers for Becky's evangelistic study, that every single one of those nine non-Christian women would come to true and saving faith. Also, please pray for our elders. There are only three of us, so between the building renovations, the influx of newcomers, and the ongoing shepherding needs, we are feeling quite stretched. Please pray that God would strengthen us and raise up others to join us in ministry as elders. Thank you!
Serving Him,
Josh & Becky Tancordo
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