Equipping - Women's Bible Study

Every other Saturday until March 8, 2025

9:00am – 12:30pm

Coordinator:  Beccah McCaughley

Women's Bible Study 2025 no date image

3 Week Class for women beginning Feb. 8th

Dates: Feb. 8th, Feb. 22nd, March 8th. 

We are preparing a class for the women of the church on how to read the Bible, focusing on learning reading strategies, genre conventions, and literary structures to empower deeper, more meaningful reading of the Bible.

This class will include six sessions over three week, each focusing on a different section of the Bible and how to read it: 1) history, 2) law, 3) poetry, 4) prophecy, 5) the gospels, and 6) the epistles. While these sessions will include lecture-style information, it will be focused on applying these skills to solve relevant problems in our lives.

Contact Beccah M. to reserve your spot.